About Chef J

As a trained chef with a culinary education from Le Notre that spans both traditional training and international studies,  I bring a unique blend of expertise to the table. I completed part of my training in Pauillac, France at the Michelin starred restaurant Café Lavinal in the esteemed hotel Chateâu Cordeillan-Bages. Alongside my culinary background, I am also a certified holistic nutrition and wellness coach, committed to unraveling the mysteries of healthy living in a world filled with conflicting opinions. As a culinary nutritionist, my goal is to use my expertise and advise individuals and groups on healthy eating and diet plans through the use of herbs and spices and avoid unhealthy preservatives.

Early Life and Discovering Natural Health

I was born in Texas, a first-generation American. I lived in Mexico for several years as a child. Spanish
was my first language, so I had to learn English when I started school. My grandma who raised me was a great cook and cooked every day, so we did not eat out much. It was a treat to go to a restaurant. Grandma always had some herbs she used for cooking. I don’t remember getting sick much and when we did, she used some herbs to help me get better. I'd like to think that it's where my foundation started for loving to cook and study herbology.

Becoming a Mom and Embracing Natural Health

I had my first daughter at age 22 and realized the responsibility of being a mom. I felt I needed
to know more about nutrition and herbs, so I know what to do when she becomes ill. I came
across a group of ladies who were natural health consultants. What I learned from them was
fascinating to me. The natural field and I wanted to learn more. At that moment I realized that it
was no longer just to help my family but to help others and a career that I loved! I thought of
the benefits of being a naturopathic and what this would mean to my family by living this way of

Education and Building a Natural Health Practice

In 1991 I embarked on a journey that helped shape me into who I am now. me t I took courses
in Iridology, Sclerology, Body Systems, Homeopathy, and the study of Herbs. I loved learning and
was like a sponge taking it all in. Acquiring this knowledge helped me take care of my family
with confidence.

After several years of study and earning certifications, I became a Natural Health Consultant and
did one-on-one consultations with individuals of all ages. I taught cooking classes in healthy
Mexican food. We also had a coop with organic fruits and vegetables. I learned to make my own
yogurt and almond milk. Back in 1991, there were not too many natural food stores and
products available as they are now at the tip of your fingers and your door!

Balancing Family and Passion

Unfortunately, I had to pause my career to raise my 3 girls and help run the family business. My
passion for holistic wellness and cooking changed. I still cooked for my family and lots of events
throughout the years. Friends and family continued to seek advice in the holistic field from me. I
made time to help friends, family and 2 of my daughters to help them with pain management
and relaxation during labor.

Expanding Culinary Horizons at LeNotre

To my delight, I had the opportunity to go back to school in 2016 at age 50 and enrolled at
LeNotre Culinary Institute where I spend 2 amazing years learning the science of cooking and
international cuisine. Wine pairing and Pastry and baking. I had the amazing opportunity to do
part of my internship in Paulliac France, a region in Bordeaux, at a 2 Michelin star restaurant.

Returning to Holistic Wellness and Reaching a New Generation

For years before going to culinary school I wanted to go back to my natural field and help young
people to eat healthier due to the number of obese children I have seen and because of the
additives in food and more so in processed foods. My knowledge and desire for the holistic field
never left me but my credentials were over 30 years old so I decided to take a certification
course as a Holistic and Wellness Coach.

I chose my URL to be ChefJ.xyz because those generations can be my core customers. I am
Generation X (between 1965 and 1980) and as a Mom and grandmother I can influence both my
daughters and grandchildren. This generation was influenced by many factors but the ones that
would influence how and what they ate are that they were born during the rise in working women, the rise in the divorce rate, and the growth in higher education. This meant that they grew up with minimal
adult supervision and were called latchkey kids.

An article in Food Insight, comments “Our research suggests that Gen Xers have distinct ideas about the relationships between our diets and disease that are manifested in their food choices and behaviors.”

Generation Y was born during the 1980s and mid-1990s. Generation Z was born between 1996 and 2010.

Start Your Culinary Wellness Journey

Embark on a journey of gradual, sustainable changes, one step at a time. Whether you seek advice on nutrition, wellness, or a holistic approach to lifestyle, I am here to guide you. Let's navigate the world of wellness together.

Beyond Diets: Unveiling the Truth

In a world where dietary choices are debated, my mission is simple - to provide you with the most reliable information backed by thorough research. I believe in the power of natural, high-quality ingredients and focus on educating you in a clear and accessible manner. No complex jargon or extensive reading; just straightforward guidance enriched with visual aids to help you make informed choices and foster conscious living.

Visualizing Change

Understanding the need for simplicity, I use a visual approach, incorporating a plethora of pictures to help you comprehend key concepts easily. Recognizing that most individuals prefer quick and tangible changes over extensive readings, I advocate for lifestyle shifts that begin with small, manageable adjustments. It could be as simple as starting your day with a glass of water – a step towards transformative, lasting change.

Gut-Centric Approach

Regardless of the issue you bring to the table, my focus is to troubleshoot and initiate change by addressing the gut. Years of hands-on experience and a profound knowledge base have led me to understand the intricate connection between gut health and overall well-being. Recommendations for gut-friendly choices and tailored lifestyle changes form the cornerstone of my approach.

‍‍‍Influence Beyond Yourself

Recognizing the ripple effect of lifestyle choices, I emphasize that what you do doesn’t just impact you but resonates with your family and beyond. By empowering you to make conscious choices, I believe in creating a positive influence that extends to your circle of influence. Your journey to wellness is not just personal; it’s a transformative force that can inspire others.

Start Your Culinary Wellness Journey

Embark on a journey of gradual, sustainable changes, one step at a time. Whether you seek advice on nutrition, wellness, or a holistic approach to lifestyle, I am here to guide you. Let's navigate the world of wellness together, starting with your gut.

Norma Jessop ~ "Chef J"