Ignite your Health Journey with Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coaching

Your personal wellness not only enhances your individual well-being but ripples through your relationships, productivity, and energy for loved ones. Invest in yourself with a Certified Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Coach, and embark on a transformative path to living your most nutritious life.

Book a consultation

What's you're Unique Wellness Journey?

Heal Your Gut

Discover the impact of your gut on overall well-being. Your coach will work with you to optimize gut health, paving the way for improved weight management, cognitive function, and immunity.

Maximize Weightloss Success

Your coach will help you achieve healthy and sustainable weight loss. Move beyond short-term diets, and make a long-term lifestyle transformation.

Overcome Emotional eating

Tackle emotional and disordered eating with professional support; your coach provides tools and understanding. Know that you are not alone and emotional eating can be conquered.

Acheive Fitness Goals &  Optimize athletic performance

Fueling your body is as crucial as your fitness routine. Collaborate with a holistic nutrition coach to optimize your overall health and achieve your fitness goals.

Traditional approaches fall short, coaching delivers results

Personalized Time and Attention

In a world of fast-paced healthcare, we offer a refreshing change. Your certified hoslistic nutrition coach dedicates real time to you—no rushed appointments. Experience the transformative power of personalized attention.

Navigate Diet Trends with Personalized Holistic Nutritional Strategies

Drowning in diet trends and conflicting information? Your coach acts as a trusted guide, helping you cut through the noise and make informed choices tailored to your unique needs and aspirations.

Transformative Habits and Accountability, Guided by Expertise

It's not just about knowing what to do; it's about making it a habit. Your coach provides guidance, accountability, and support to turn healthy behaviors into lifelong habits.

Family-Focused Health

If you're the wellness decision-maker for your family, a certified holistic nutrition coach can be your ally. Discover healthy tips that resonate with your whole family, fostering a home environment that promotes lifelong health and happiness.

Experience and Credentials That Matter

Nutritious Life Certified Coach provides a wealth of expertise in the latest nutritional science and wellness practices.

The Power of Human Connection

In a world flooded with digital health solutions, a coach brings the human touch back. Empathy, understanding, and genuine support make all the difference in your wellness journey.

Our Philosophy
our Philosophy


Keri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN, the visionary behind Nutritious Life has crafted these eight principles as a cornerstone in the comprehensive approach to health and wellness. I integrate these very principles into my practice as a Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Coach, providing you with expert guidance based on a holistic understanding of well-being.

Drink Up

Water is a magic elixir and one of the most beneficial things we can put in our bodies.

Eat Empowered

Fuel your body and mind with nutrient-dense foods to look and feel amazing.

Live Conciously

Creating time and space to notice the world around you leads to more mindful choices–and actions.

Love More

Open your heart to build stronger relationships; spread the love–and make more of it.

Nurture Yourself

Prioritizing self-care helps  balance your mood and keep your stress levels in check.

Sleep Deep

Getting quality shuteye is  essential for living your best life. More Z’s, please!

Stress Less

Managing everyday stress is essential for maintaining optimal physical, mental, and emotional health.

Sweat Often

Managing everyday stress is essential for maintaining optimal physical, mental, and emotional health.

Ready to make lasting changes?

Book a complimentary call today to discuss your health goals and get on the path to reaching them.